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Surgical gown

Title: Surgical gown
Description: With increasing awareness about the highly communicable bacteria and viruses, medical professionals and associations are making it mandatory to use protective surgical gowns to barrier the spreading of various diseases like SARS, HIV, hepatitis, etc. These diseases, which may be caused by a variety of microorganisms, can pose significant risks to human life and health unless sufficient measures are taken. Are medical professionals really feeling safe with existing surgical gowns prevalent in the market? Do these gowns provide absolute barrier to viruses along with providing comfort? Can we rely on the performance or is there something else we need to understand and modify? This article reveals some facts pertaining to these questions and precisely highlights various issues related to the development, application, and quality evaluation of surgical gowns. It also deals with the types of gowns available, their classification, technology behind them, technical aspects, testing means, their limitations, and future course of action to satisfy the growing needs of our health care professionals. From the time that an operating room gown first became a part of the surgeons armamentarium, its primary purpose was to protect the patient from the members of the surgical team. In that capacity, the garment was made of a relatively loosely woven, readily permeable, all carded cotton type 140 (thread count) material generically known as muslin. The material fulfilled the essential requirement of the application, in that it was considered effective in terms of providing what was believed to be a satisfactory aseptic barrier, was readily available, and was economical to use.