Regular Links Sort by: Hits | AlphabeticalGo Fund Me Fundraising Ideas One of the BEST ways to raise money online! Get your online donation website FREE! Online fundraising for medical expenses, volunteer trips, sports & more! - Listing Details... | Sale Bitcoin Tradesilvania Exchange specializes in selling Bitcoin and buying Bitoin in Romania, digital wallet and card payment, cryptocurrency in safe conditions, court transactions and digital currency trading at the best exchange rate in Romania without any commissions or other additional costs to trading Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other cryptocurrency. - Listing Details... | Lend, borrow, buy and sell Crypto assets FarSwap allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without the need for a central operator administrator. As a result not this, decisions relating to FarSwap are made by holders of FarSwap native cryptocurrency, FAR. FarSwap uses the Automated Market Making (AMM) algorithm for market creation and settlement, as well as distributing rewards on the Ethereum Blockchain without any counterparty risk. It focuses on crypto pairs such as BTC, ETH etc. , and it is automatically being generated at 1h, 1d and 1w intervals. In simple terms , Farswap is a platform established by a team with DEFI spirit, which has elegantly added features of Uniswap, and will make a name for itself over time. Check out the unique offer for HOLDERs, the greatest value in this journey. Overview: The FarSwap Community Offer will be made for active FarSwap participants, alpha / beta testers and Strong Holder Offer at the price of 0.000308 ETH /per FAR. - Listing Details... | |
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January 2018 : A happy new year! Hoping for more approved listings this year but, to be honest, i feel like using 1 hour to review 50 free listings and approve 1-2 that are good quality is a complete waste of time.
August 2017 : Directory Quality Comfirmed : DA (Domain Authority) 32 - PA (Page Authority) 43 ! Listings details pages still indexed (most of low quality directories got most of the pages deindexed).
August 2017 : Limited Promotion for fast reviewed listings, 25-35% OFF!
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Review Queue : We get around 7000 submissions per month and review queue is long. For regular listings the waiting time is minimum 2.5 months