Regular Links Sort by: Hits | Alphabetical best place to buy property in Istanbul A project in the Maslak area, the modern center of Istanbul, is under construction in the early stages, surrounded by Belgrade forests on both ends, which are forests that are not allowed to be cut down, and there are no new building permits in the area. At first glance, the investor must choose the first option (given that the prices are similar between the two projects) because the project is ready for immediate rental and offers integrated services. On the other hand, it is located about 20 km away from the center of Istanbul in the second project, and it takes less than an hour to commute during peak hours and only 15 minutes outside peak hours. Additionally, Mall of Istanbul is an important and well-known attraction area, which can generate higher rental returns than the average. However, upon closer inspection, we can easily find that the second option is actually located in the center of Istanbul, making it a better and more desirable area. Furthermore, the forest views cannot be obstructed in the future, while in central Istanbul, new towers can be built. - Listing Details... | |
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