FEATURED LINKS Leopard gecko basic care
Leopard Gecko Care – Basic Guidelines
Leopard Gecko Care – Basic Guidelines
Post Author:Joshuab0
Post published:May 19, 2020
Post Category:Leopard Gecko / Reptile Care
Post Comments:0 Comments
Hello! Hope you are doing well! Curious to know more about the leopard gecko care basics or interested in getting your very own gecko as a pet? Many people today keep these lizards at home as pets!
Anyways, let us take a step further. We are going to dive into the world of leopard geckos. We will cover the basics of leopard gecko care. Some categories we cover are appearance, diet, behavior, housing, lighting requirements, and FAQ.
Contents show
Leopard Gecko Overview
Leopard Gecko Scientific Name: Eublepharismacularius
Primary habitat/home: Leopard Gecko can be found in a Rocky environment, desert and grasslands.
Lifespan Of Leopard Gecko: They can live up to 27 years in a free habitat, but if kept at home, they can live between 6 and 10 years if they are well taken care of.
5 Reasons Why Leopard Geckos Make Great Pets!
Let’s start with an amazing video showing you why you should definately choose this gecko as your pet!
There are variations in their sizes determined by gender. The females are usually shorter while they male is longer. The females are generally between 7 and 8 inches while the male is between 7 and 10 inches.
There are a wide variety of leopard gecko morphs out on the market. Five of them are listed below. We won’t cover these in detail in this guide.
Super Giant
Halloween Mask
Leopard Gecko Care
Are you preparing to get your new pet? Or you already got one, and you wnat more information on how to house and care for these little creatures? Read below!
If you are planning on getting more than one leopard gecko, there are rules you should follow to ensure the safety and well-being of your pet.
You should not keep the same gender together in the same enclosure except for the female leopard gecko of similar size.
Inside their enclosure, do not use sand inside it as substrates. Line it with a paper, towel, tiles, or any other options outside sand.
Leopard Gecko Behaviour And Temperment
leopard gecko terrarium
Leopard geckos are generally quite docile and very easy to tame. They also are not prone to biting and usually quite slow at moving. They do have very unique personalities and are known to get vocal. This is really true when they are hungry!
If you happen to have more than 1 leopard gecko in a terrarium, watch for any tail waving actions. What this means is that one of them (or all of them) feel threatened and wants to attack right away. At this point, it is best to seperate them. This is mostly true if you have 2 males in the same tank.
Leopard geckos need somewhere to hide and be housed. They need to feel comfortable like they are in their own habitat. You can start with a nice 10 gallon aquarium tank and fill it with the necessary accessories such as foliage, bedding, food and water. A leopard gecko terrarium is pretty easy to setup and there is a wide variety of products on the market for them.
You can also use of a small plastic container when they are younger and smaller. For this, you would make holes around the container for the gecko to breathe. If you do make holes, make sure the spaces are smooth to avoid your pet being cut by the rough holes you create in the plastic container. You can save yourself all of this stress by getting a simple leopard gecko tank that is sold in pet stores. - Listing Details... https://reptilehq.com/leopard-gecko-care-basic-guidelines/ | Regular Links Sort by: Hits | Alphabetical TOTAL K9 Protection Dogs Training TOTAL K9 is a British company training protection dogs for personal protection, for police and guard dogs. You can have your dog trained by TOTAL K9 to be a protection dog, or your can check out the already trained protection dogs for sale. - Listing Details... http://www.totalk9.co.uk/ | Puppies for sale near me Mypetzilla provides information and advice for free on how to take care of puppies from various dog breeds, so check-out the website now to learn more about puppies and to find one for you. The puppies you get from Mypetzilla will surely fill your life with joy and happiness as these loyal creatures are called man’s best friend for a good reason. - Listing Details... https://www.mypetzilla.co.uk/ | https://catterybengal.com/ The Bengal cats have a muscular body. This provides them with lots of strength as well. On the other hand, these cats tend to have a bright color in the body. If you want to have a unique and a one of a kind companion, Bengal cats would be a perfect option available to consider. Due to the high energy levels that Bengal cats have, you will often be able to see them helping you with your day to day work. The Bengal cats have been able to win in many world exhibitions, including CCA, TICA and WCF.
They are friendly
The Bengal cats have a friendly character. This is another reason, which would make you fall in love with your Bengal cat. They come from an impressive family tree as well. In fact, the ancestors of Bengal cats are from Europe and America. It has also contributed a lot towards the friendly character of these cats.
Bengal cats love water
Most of the cats don’t love water, but Bengal kittens do. You will be able to find them enjoying their time in the sink and shower. Some of the Bengal cats are capable of swimming as well. You can even get them to have a bath along with you. This can make the time you spend with Bengal cats even more enjoyable at the end of the day.
You can take them for a walk
Now you must be wondering how you will be able to take a cat for a walk. It may look crazy to take a cat for a walk as well. However, you can still do it with your Bengal cat. That’s because they love to spend their time outdoors. These are cool and exotic looking cats. You will even be able to allow them to spend time outdoors without a leash. If you are planning to take the Bengal cat for a walk, you are encouraged to get a retractable leash. Then the cat will be able to climb the trees and chase the birds as well.
Bengal cats love dogs
If you already have a dog at home, you don’t need to worry too much about welcoming a Bengal cat. You can make sure that your dog and Bengal cat becomes best friends. You will often be able to see them running around the house. In addition to that, you can also see them cuddling up together. They prefer to keep company of each other at all times. When you leave your Bengal cat and dog at home, you will be able to see them getting into trouble as well.
They are cute
The Bengal cats are cute and good looking as well. This is another reason, which would tempt you to get a one as your companion at home. By nature, cats are nocturnal. They are sleeping throughout the day under sunlight and they become crazy at the night time. Hence, you will be able to see your Bengal cat bouncing around the house during the night time. You will also be able to see how your Bengal cat is jumping to the bed and snuggling during the day time. This is one of the cutest sights that you can see at home.
They can help you to control pests
Once you welcome a Bengal cat to your home, you will not need to worry about calling the pest control services. The Bengal cats are in a position to provide much-needed support and assistance to you with taking control over pests. You will never be able to see any mice running around the kitchen. Instead, you will wake up to dead mice just outside the bedroom. Likewise, your Bengal cat will be able to help you with taking control over other types of pests as well.
They have got soft fur
The Bengal have got soft fur as well. You will love the silky and soft texture of the Bengal cat as well. The spots that you can find on the Bengal cat are cool as well. They are one of the cutest types of cats that you can find out there as well.
Now you are aware of all the good reasons available to think about welcoming a Bengal cat to your home. While keeping these facts in mind, you can go ahead and welcome a new Bengal cat to your home. - Listing Details... https://catterybengal.com/ | Buy Automatic Pet Feeder Ensure Pet Fresh Food for Each Meal - Did you know that pet food can go stale? And some pets even notice? If you have a picky pet, then our automatic feeder may be the right fit for them. This allows you to release customized portions amounts of food at every meal rather than leaving an open bowl out while you are away. So your pet always gets a fresh meal, much to their delight and satisfaction Record Custom Message for Your Pet - Keep your pet excited about meal times! Press and hold the mic button for three seconds to begin recording a message to be played as each feeding dispenses. (e.g. Here, Fido! Come and eat, boy! Good doggy.) They’ll feel your love with each meal as they hear your voice. Powerful & Portable: You can either use the power adapter comes with the feeder or batteries in order to deliver power to your automatic pet feeder Capacity: : 3 Liters, about 3.5Lbs dry food, which made it suitable for small pets and medium pets. FEATURES: Food Timer: Scheduled times during the day for feeding with portion control, so your pet gets the right amount at their regular feeding time. Infrared Detection: Prevents food from over-spilling or getting stuck in the dispenser. Sound Recording: Record your voice to call your pet over for mealtimes. It helps your pet feel connected to you all the time. Power Supply: You can use batteries or plugin with the power adapter. Keeping Food Fresh: Food compartment is leak-proof, sealing food in for long-lasting freshness. BPA-Free: Never worry about harmful substances leaching into your pet's food with our high-quality BPA-Free Feeder. 4-Time Setting: Breakfast, lunch, dinner and 4th Meal Manual Function Capability: A manual function button is also available if you wish to feed your pet manually at given times. - Listing Details... https://myautomaticpetfeeder.com/ | Phoenix, AZ Bernedoodles We are a home-schoolin’, home-steadin’ type of family, living happily on 2 acres in the heart of Mesa with our 4 children, 4 horses, 3 goats, 2 dog, 2 lovebirds, 1 cat, and a pear tree. Sorry, no partridge. We are committed to life and living it the best we can. We learn and grow together each day with our children, animals, and plants. We strive to honor what we have been given by creating goodness and beauty in the world around us. We work hard at it, we struggle, we just keep going. What we have gained along the way is experience in breeding and raising animals. When you keep a lot of animals you gain deep appreciation for quality breeding. Each animal is an investment and we want to make sure the investment is solid. We are grateful for the opportunity to breed bernedoodles. We have done our best to find top quality dogs for breeding. We hope to bless families with beautiful, intelligent, and healthy canine companions. If you are interested in partnering with us for puppy adoption. - Listing Details... https://phoenixbernedoodles.com/ | cat backpacks USA I'm a cat, a sassy cat. My human calls me Missy. This store was founded thanks to me. It all started on a beautiful sunny day when I decided to take my human out for a walk. My human struggled to get me into a new carrier that didn’t suit a cat like me who has great purrsonality. “How dare you!” I meowwwed. And she seemed to notice how upset I was feline. She then did some searching for cat carriers, showed me all the search results, and thoughtfully asked me to scroll down and find the one that tickles my fancy. To my disappointment, her phone isn’t paw-friendly. Let me just end the story here and hand it over to my human who’s been doing nothing but sitting there looking at me with heart eyes all day. I’ve got bigger fish to fry. See ya litter! - Listing Details... https://missymomo.com/ | registered breeder of Savannah kittens We love Savannah cats for their exotic look and incredible personality. The Savannah cat is an exquisite breed with long elegant legs, designer spots and stripes, long graceful necks, tall wild-like ears, and beautiful piercing eyes. We at Luxury Savannahs strive to keep this superior look within all of our breedings.
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