FEATURED LINKS STAX - turnkey packaging solutions - wrappers, bundlers, palletizers, rolls... STAX Technologies is a renowned European company focused on the continuous development of technological innovations dedicated predominantly to the world of tissue packaging and associated professional services.For rolls, as well as for folded products, STAX Technologies company offers a wide range of wrapping, bundling, cartoning and palletizing solutions.We are among few companies that can offer to their clients turnkey solution in tissue converting industry. The solution includes all levels of packaging:primary, secondary,up to the docking station,with numerous advantages in the form of a serious reduction in maintenance costs, better control of the entire production process and reliability of the entire line. This is resulting in a high quality and highly competitive final products. - Listing Details... http://staxtechnologies.com/ | KP-LOK USA KP-LOK USA,is a instrument valve manufacturer,our main product are needle valve,manifold valve,high pressure ball valve,monoflange,double block and bleed valve - Listing Details... http://www.kplokusa.com | Quality Surveillance Quality Management Systems Vendor Selection & Monitoring inspection services ex It offers a broad range of industry related services designed to assist the clients in meeting their objectives in terms of management, quality, quantity specification, cost and delivery. These services include activities of technical consulting, inspections, expediting, supplier qualification, besides site Q.A./ Q.C. services in the petrochemical, Oil & Gas and power generator fields. We can ensure timely and highly qualified actions in Italy, Europe and outside Europe through a capillary organisation of technicians available in the most important industrial areas.
TECNO was founded in 1997 as an Independent Service Organization and it has rapidly become one of the leading provider of Inspection, Expediting and Quality Management Services to the industry worldwide. Since it’s establishment, TECNO has proved a dynamic company, able to combine a fresh approach to the industry, implementing all the advantages modern technology has to offer, with old fashioned attitudes to quality. TECNO has soon gained an extensive experience in providing their clients with the ability to respond to all their quality needs throughout the world, with the highest possibly standards of services and integrity. As a result, the company has been operating for years with the major engineering and operators companies predominantly on Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industry, and its success is still growing.
Vendor Inspection and Source Third Party Inspection, services includes: Steelwork, Materials & Welding, Castings, Forgings, Piping and Fittings, Pipe and Plate Mill, Valves, Vessels, Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Columns, Reactors, Rotating Equipment, Compressors, Motors, Pumps, Machinery, Electrical and Instrumentation Equipment, Insulation, Painting & Coating.Specialist Oil and Gas Equipment.
we provide services of: Quality Surveillance Quality Management Systems Vendor Selection & Monitoring inspection services expediting services - Listing Details... http://www.tecno-srl.eu/ | Regular Links Sort by: Hits | AlphabeticalNeutral Bars and Earth Bars manufacturer Brass CNC machined parts and components offer unmatched precision, efficiency, and reliability. By leveraging the appropriate brass grades and machining techniques, manufacturers can produce high-quality components tailored to diverse applications. With continuous advancements in CNC technology, the possibilities for creating intricate and high-performance brass components are endless. Some of the products we supply globally are Brass Neutral Links, Neutral Bars, Brass Terminals, Electrical Busbars, Earth Bars, Binding Screws posts Screw Machine Parts, Brass Pins Electrical Pins Sockets, Brass Terminal Blocks and CNC turned parts to leading switchgear and electrical companies of the world. We also have CNC machines which can offer high quality finishing and close tolerances on all types of Earth Bars and Brass Neutral Links that we produce. Our range of Brass Neutral Links and Earth Bars is made on high end Japanese machines and is machined with good control on tapped holes and threads with a tolerance control of plus or – 0.05mm in hole pitch and +/- 0.03mm in length. - Listing Details... https://www.brass-neutral-links.com/ | |
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