Regular Links Sort by: Hits | Alphabetical Affordable Health Care There’s A New And Better Way To Get AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE! For Just $19.95/Month You Get 24/7 UNLIMITED ACCESS To U.S. Licensed Doctors Who Will Diagnose And Treat Common Conditions Over Your Phone,Computer Or Tablet With NO CO-PAYS Or Deductibles. And (If Needed) Medication Is Prescribed And Sent To Your Preferred Pharmacy. With NO CO-PAY’S Or DEDUCTIBLES Join Today! - Listing Details... | IVF Treatment in Thailand We have the highest IVF success rate in S/E Asia, and will recommend the best treatment for you to get the results you need based on your individual circumstances. We provide native English speaking support throughout the whole IVF process and can also provide translators for Chinese, Arabic, Russian and other languages upon request. - Listing Details... | Addiction Rehab for Young Men The Edge is a trailblazing addiction treatment programme in Thailand that not only helps young men recover from addiction, but instills in them a new perspective on life and enthusiasm for their future. Our active treatment method engages participants in wilderness therapy and high-intensity fitness training, which enhance the benefits of our highly effective treatment programme. - Listing Details... | Infertility hospitals in Nellore Dr. Andal’s Lakshmi Fertility Clinic was established in 1989. Though we started as a Gynecology practitioner, treating antenatal, gynaec and infertile couple, some of the incidents in our experience have driven us to think more about the problem of infertility. - Listing Details... | Augenprothesen Das Kunstauge muss den Schrumpfungstendenzen der Augenhöhle entgegenwirken. Es muss den Schutz der Augenhöhle vor äußeren Einwirkungen gewährleisten. Es soll dem Aussehen des verbliebenen Auges entsprechen und damit die Wiederherstellung des natürlichen Aussehens des Trägers Rechnung tragen, soweit die Umstände dies zulassen. - Listing Details... | |
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January 2018 : A happy new year! Hoping for more approved listings this year but, to be honest, i feel like using 1 hour to review 50 free listings and approve 1-2 that are good quality is a complete waste of time.
August 2017 : Directory Quality Comfirmed : DA (Domain Authority) 32 - PA (Page Authority) 43 ! Listings details pages still indexed (most of low quality directories got most of the pages deindexed).
August 2017 : Limited Promotion for fast reviewed listings, 25-35% OFF!
February 2015 : Directory Redesigned. We changed the template to a lightweight, fast loading web directory template.
January 2015 : For any questions please contact us at this email : webadmin @ our site domain.
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Review Queue : We get around 7000 submissions per month and review queue is long. For regular listings the waiting time is minimum 2.5 months