FEATURED LINKS WHOLESALE MAN DRESSES and ceremony prompt delivery without minimum order b2babitoitaliano is a male sartorial clothing company which aims to be supplier of tailor-made clothing for man and among many Italian clothing suppliers it stands out because professionalism, quality and convenience. Our tailor’s shop has 30-year experience in tailoring and sale as wholesaler of tailored clothing for man. We select with scrupulous care the fabrics that you can find in assortment to sew prestigious suits. We aim to be the main wholesaler business man jacket, wholesaler business man trousers and wholesaler business man waistcoat among Italian clothing sellers, with a selected fabrics catalogue and cuts of a perfect Italian style which takes back quality at affordable prices on the international male fashion market. The wholesale business and ceremony man suit made by b2babitoitaliano, will give you the opportunity to have a unique wardrobe giving you the freedom to choose your own style showing your personality through tailored outfits. - Listing Details... https://www.b2babitoitaliano.com/ | Confezionamento Abiti Uomo Cerimonia e Business su Misura Il Tuo Sarto a Domicilio… Tuscany Sartoria è un’azienda di abbigliamento sartoriale maschile, che offre “su misura” e “pronto moda”, Accessori per uomo (ad esempio Gemelli)e Scarpe Uomo.
Proponiamo svariati servizi, tra i quali ricordiamo
- Atelier Sposo a Domicilio;
- Sarto a Domicilio;
- Servizio Alta Sartoria.
- Atelier Sposo a Domicilio
Potrai risparmiare tempo e soldi, usufruendo dei Servizi a Domicilio di Tuscany Sartoria. Se quello che desideri è un Vestito su Misura, una Giacca su Misura, un Abito Cerimonia, uno Smoking o un Abito Sartoriale, potrai usufruire dell’abilità e dell’esperienza dei nostri sarti, che verranno direttamente a casa tua per farti vedere, toccare e provare, l’Abito che hai sempre desiderato.
Il Servizio a Domicilio è molto semplice e pratico da richiedere, si compone di sei diversi passaggi:
1) Visionate il nostro store online: www.tuscanysumisura.com
2) Scegliete i 4 Abiti da Cerimonia che preferite;
3) Contattateci utilizzando il form che troverete a questo indirizzo: http://www.tuscanysumisura.com/atelier-sposo-a-domicilio indicandoci gli abiti da voi scelti per la prova;
4) Attendete la risposta dei nostri sarti i quali vi comunicheranno la data dell’appuntamento in base alle vostre esigenze;
5) I nostri sarti saranno da voi il giorno stabilito così che possiate indossare, provare e toccare con mano i vari abiti e scegliere quello che più vi piace;
6) I sarti provvederanno alla messa a misura dell’abito, il quale vi sarà consegnato entro e non oltre due settimane dall’acquisto.
Il servizio è attivo in tutto il centro nord Italia.
Sarto a Domicilio
Il Servizio del Sarto Online garantisce rapidità, professionalità e innovazione in quanto si tratta di un Servizio unico nel suo genere, che rivoluziona il concetto di Sartoria, comprimendo la filiera produttiva e azzerando i costi di gestione.
La particolarità del servizio del Sarto su Misura è data dalla cura del cliente, dall’attenzione, quasi maniacale, ai particolari, dalla qualità dei tessuti e dalla lavorazione dell’Abito. Il risultato finale non potrà che sorprendervi, lasciandovi soddisfatti oltre ogni aspettativa. Scegliendo Tuscany Sartoria, sceglierete una Sartoria di alto livello, con un’esperienza decennale nel campo del confezionamento degli Abiti da Cerimonia (e non solo!), ma allo stesso tempo con prezzi notevolmente più accessibili rispetto alle classiche boutique sartoriali.
Poter disporre della consulenza e dell’assistenza di un Sarto su Misura, vuol dire avvalersi delle capacità e dell’esperienza di un professionista del settore, che può garantire una qualità di lavorazione superiore rispetto a qualunque altro shopping classico che avrete mai potuto immaginare o provare fino a questo momento. Significa ottenere un Valore Aggiunto alla propria esperienza Alta Sartoria!
Servizio Alta Sartoria
Sartoria Partenopea è sinonimo di “puro sartoriale italiano”
I clienti più esigenti non potranno fare a meno di voler provare e possedere un ABITO TOTALMENTE CONFEZIONATO A MANO!
Si tratta solo e soltanto di pura e semplice Arte dell’Alta Sartoria!
I nostri Sarti su Misura sono in grado di confezionare qualunque capo di abbigliamento maschile secondo i dettami della vera Sartoria Napoletana:
1) Abito da Cerimonia;
2) Abito Sartoriale;
3) Vestito su Misura;
4) Giacca Sartoriale;
5) Camicia Sartoriale;
6) Panciotto cerimonia;
7) Smoking.
E molto altro ancora… I migliori tessuti e il classico Taglio Sartoriale Napoletano a porta di un click. Vi basterà compilare il forum che trovate a questo link:
e un nostro Sarto online vi risponderà quanto prima fornendovi tutte le informazioni sul servizio, sui tempi e sui costi della realizzazione, per poter finalmente, anche voi, indossare un’opera d’arte!
Tutti i Vestiti su Misura, confezionati sartorialmente, seguono precise regole di vestibilità e misura, così da risultare semplificata l’identificazione della taglia da acquistare, utilizzando le tabelle che troverete alla guida misure. Se avrete comunque domande o dubbi sulla scelta della taglia corretta, potrete sempre contattarci liberamente ai seguenti recapiti:
Scrivici via mail a : info@tuscanysumisura.com
Contattaci Via Telefono a: (+39) 3286435422
Oppure se preferite potrete contattarci utilizzando la Chat nel sito per una risposta online.
Tuscany Sartoria è un’esperienza unica e indimenticabile nel mondo della Sartoria Italiana! - Listing Details... http://www.tuscanysumisura.com/ | Women's Fashion Jeans Online Store We are a family owned and run business striving to provide good quality fashion clothing at affordable prices. Our new online store contains a varied range swimwear, jeans, club-wear, dresses, tops to suit all tastes and sizes.
Our aim is to offer you the best quality products and high standards of customer service and the best brands available from around the globe. This, together with a shopping experience that is both easy and enjoyable is part of our commitment.
• Our store will give you the best possible prices without having to worry that your item will be cheaper elsewhere!
• 100% privacy – we will not pass your details on to any 3rd party.
• Fast and insured despatch for all stock items.
• Security which provides protection while you pay.
• Regular offers and sales to keep you coming back for more! - Listing Details... https://urbandirect.co.uk/ | Regular Links Sort by: Hits | Alphabetical Turkish towel manufacturers | Denizli towels Denizli has been the textile capital for 5000 years. It is not a coincidence that Denizli has became a brand worldwide, especially with the high quality cotton grown in the Aegean region, where Denizli is the second biggest city. - Listing Details... http://www.turkishtowels.net | T Shirt Printing Singapore Quality T-Shirt Printing at Great Value! Choose from our wide range of T Shirt and apparel selection to suit you design print. Connect with us now to make your work
easier. - Listing Details... http://www.innoventerprise.com/tshirt-printing/apparel-catalogue/100-cotton-t-shirt/ | Cooling man underwear Stud Briefs actually works in 3 different ways to maximize health benefits for the testicles. It has a super cooling mesh that allows natural testicular cooling. It is also designed to separate the penis and the balls, and push the crotch forward! As well, it provides healthy support that prevents scrotal sagging (which is a real concern when you live more than 45 years), and enhances the counter current cooling mechanism of the testicles. - Listing Details... https://www.studbriefs.com/ | Extra Wide Fit Shoes Wide Fit Shoes is a website where wide fit shoes and extra wide shoes can be purchased. Head over to the website now to view various models o wide fit shoes and extra wide shoes and order them to enjoy them, as all wide fit shoes listed on the website are made of high-quality materials. - Listing Details... https://www.widefitshoes.co.uk/ | https://baldur.clothing/ I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make.” – Barack Obama, interview for Vanity Fair, This quote pretty much sums up why we are doing this. In this fast paced environment a person has more important decisions to make than matching colorful shirt with happy socks, thinking about what my clothes are telling about me, and what should I wear to accurately reflect how I feel today. That in no way means, that you can look sloppy – quite the opposite! At Baldur Clothing we’re taking the “simple is beautiful” approach and getting back to the basics:
We offer only white dress shirt. Be honest, do you really wear different collor shirts every day?
We offer only a few different shirt options. Each is handpicked and offer the highest quality to price ratios
Our dress shirts are made in southern Italy, in a family business specialising in dress shirts. This way we ensure top quality and design
White dress shirt is a classic that will never get out of style and matches perfectly with any suit, tie, shoes, socks, or casual clothes like jeans or sweaters. It is the most basic item (together with black socks and black underwear) that should be in every man’s wardrobe.
The ideas of simplicity, convenience, quality and elegance are reflected in the name we chose for our brand. Baldur (also Baldr or Balder) is a pagan Scandinavian god, son of Odin, and is known as a god of beauty, innocence and goodness. He is a symbol of male beauty and wisdom. At Baldur Clothing we are combining Scandinavian characteristics of simplicity, minimalism and functionality with Italian fashion traditions and years of expertise in this field. Join us in this journey! - Listing Details... https://baldur.clothing/ | kiddiekisses.com High quality Korean leisure kids clothing online store and the latest kids fashion trends. Many parents say it's their favorite baby product, no matter the type or brand. It gives your arms a break and can easily sub in for a stroller, especially if your child gets upset when they can't see you, or you need to navigate crowded spaces like airports and stadiums. It's also great to use if you like hiking and want to bring your child along. Some parents only use a baby carrier when their child is small-newborn through six months or so. Other parents continue to use a carrier well into the toddler stage. You'll get the most out of it before your little one learns to walk and wants to roam free.
Baby clothes are adorable, but they also have to stand up to poopsplosions and copious amounts of drool and be as comfy as a pair of sweats. And, with so many options out there, it's hard to know where to go for what. Let us make it easier for you: First, find out how many baby clothes you'll need. Then, check out this list of our favorite items of clothing that range from cute and fun to totally practical.
Beya Made knows that your baby will be a toddler in no time at all; that's why the brand is dedicated to making apparel your children can grow into instead of out of. What we love most is that these tops, pants, and rompers are gender-neutral and last 3 times longer than the average fast-fashion brand. For your tot who seems to grow faster than it took you to read this, check out Beya Made for organic and sustainable children's clothing.
Korean baby clothing specialized store, all the goods are made in Korea, air freight to Hong Kong. We aim to bring the highest quality, safest and fashionable Korean children's clothing to every parent. Kiddie Kisses provides high quality and latest Korean fashion to general public in an reasonable price. Find even more details at https://www.kiddiekisses.com/. The Body Pillow is very convenient for back sleepers, side sleepers, and stomach sleepers during pregnancy. Made of high-quality material, the pillow is comfortable, soft and gentle on the body. It also provides the perfect balance between comfort and support for your head, back, belly, sides, knees, hip, and feet. Hence improving the body's alignment. Great gift for expecting mothers. - Listing Details... https://www.kiddiekisses.com/ | |
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